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Exercise basics: Rowing guide

Rowing guide
Learning the rowing machine at XPT Adelaide gym
  • At the start of the stroke, arms are straight, head is neutral and shoulders are level and not hunched.

  • Upper body should be leaning forward from the hips with the shoulders in front of your hips.

  • Armpits should come into your knees, which should be in between your arms.

  • Heels can lift if needed.

Rowing at Xpress Personal Training Adelaide
  • Begin the stroke by pressing or pushing down your legs, keeping your body relaxed and upright.

  • As you move past the vertical, lean back slightly with your body (11 o’clock position) and keep your hands in a straight line.

  • Pull the handle back at about belly button height, and keep your shoulders and wrists relaxed.

  • Elbows should be past your body and the finish of the stroke.

Rowing machine basics at XPT gym in Adelaide
  • Extend your arms until they straighten, and lean forward from the hips towards the flywheel.

  • Once your hands have cleared your knees, allow your knees to bend and gradually slide the seat forward.

  • Return back to the start position with shoulders relaxed and arms straight out.

Why you should consider rowing for a great workout

Rowing is a full-body exercise that offers numerous physical, mental, and cardiovascular benefits. Whether you're on the water or using a rowing machine at the gym, rowing is an excellent workout that combines strength training with cardio, making it one of the most efficient exercises for improving overall fitness.

Full-Body Workout

1. Engages Multiple Muscle Groups
•    Rowing targets nearly every major muscle group in the body.
•    Primary muscles worked include the legs, core, back, and arms.
•    Rowing strengthens muscles while also improving endurance and power.

2. Builds Strength and Endurance
•    The repetitive nature of rowing helps build muscle strength, particularly in the legs, core, and upper body.
•    Rowing workouts typically involve sustained periods of effort, which enhances cardiovascular endurance.
•    The combination of strength and endurance training provides a well-rounded fitness approach.

3. Low-Impact Exercise
•    Rowing is a low-impact exercise, making it suitable for people with joint issues or those recovering from injuries.
•    Unlike running, rowing minimises the risk of joint strain and overuse injuries, particularly in the knees, hips, and ankles.
•    It allows for high-intensity workouts without the harsh impact associated with other cardio exercises.

Cardiovascular Benefits

1. Excellent Aerobic Exercise
•    Rowing is a highly effective cardiovascular exercise that elevates the heart rate and improves lung capacity.
•    It helps improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and improving blood circulation.
•    Regular rowing workouts can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.

2. Burns Calories and Supports Weight Loss
•    Rowing is a high-calorie-burning exercise, making it an excellent choice for those aiming to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
•    A vigorous rowing session can burn as many as 600 to 800 calories per hour, depending on intensity and body weight.
•    The combination of cardio and strength training in rowing supports fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.

Improved Posture and Core Strength
1. Strengthens Core Muscles
•    Rowing requires significant core engagement to maintain balance and power through each stroke.
•    The repetitive motion strengthens the muscles in the abdomen, lower back, and obliques.
•    A strong core supports better posture, reduces the risk of back injuries, and enhances overall stability.

2. Corrects Poor Posture
•    Rowing can help correct poor posture by strengthening the muscles in the upper back and shoulders.
•    The rowing motion encourages a straight spine and retraction of the shoulder blades, which counteracts the effects of sitting for long periods.
•    Over time, improved posture leads to reduced tension in the neck, shoulders, and lower back.

Mental Health Benefits

1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
•    Like many forms of exercise, rowing releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural mood boosters.
•    The rhythmic nature of rowing can be meditative, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
•    Rowing outdoors, in particular, provides an opportunity to connect with nature, further enhancing mental well-being.

2. Enhances Mental Focus
•    Rowing requires concentration and coordination, which sharpens mental focus.
•    The need to synchronise movements with each stroke encourages mindfulness and staying present in the moment.
•    This improved mental focus can carry over into other areas of life, enhancing productivity and clarity of thought.

Versatility of Rowing

1. Suitable for All Fitness Levels
•    Rowing is highly adaptable and can be modified to suit any fitness level, from beginners to elite athletes.
•    The intensity of a rowing workout can be adjusted by changing the resistance on the machine or the pace of rowing.
•    Whether you’re looking for a low-intensity workout or a high-intensity interval session, rowing can be tailored to meet your needs.

2. Full-Body Conditioning
•    Rowing conditions the entire body, making it a highly efficient workout.
•    It improves both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, allowing for better performance in a wide range of physical activities.
•    Regular rowing can enhance endurance, strength, and flexibility, offering a balanced approach to fitness.

3. Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Workouts
•    Rowing can be performed indoors on a rowing machine or outdoors on the water, providing variety in your workout routine.
•    Indoor rowing allows for consistent training regardless of weather conditions.
•    Outdoor rowing offers the added benefits of fresh air, scenic views, and the challenge of real-world conditions.

Social and Competitive Aspects

1. Rowing as a Team Sport
•    Rowing is often done in teams, which fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.
•    Working together to achieve synchronised strokes builds communication skills and mutual trust among team members.
•    Team rowing can be a fun and motivating way to stay fit while enjoying social interaction.

2. Competitive Rowing Opportunities
•    Rowing offers numerous opportunities for competition at various levels, from local regattas to international events.
•    Competitive rowing challenges participants both physically and mentally, providing a sense of achievement and purpose.
•    The sport’s emphasis on discipline, strategy, and endurance makes it rewarding for those who enjoy pushing their limits.

Long-Term Health Benefits

1. Promotes Longevity
•    Regular rowing supports long-term health and longevity by improving cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and joint mobility.
•    It helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic disease.

In short, if you haven't tried rowing, ask one of XPT – Xpress Personal Training's trainers to show you how to use our 4 rowing machines. We'll get you rowing in no time and you'll be on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

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